Post by Admin on Feb 5, 2015 20:13:46 GMT
. How to place a Player-Unit
Let's start with something that is very easy.
1. Start ARMA 3 and open the Editor.
2. Choose the map Stratis.
3. Move to any location with the mouse + hold right mouse button.
4. Double left-click on the map.
A window pops up.
5. Go to the down-right corner and press 'ok'.
The window disapprears.
The blue dot you see is a unit.
The arrow indicates it's direction.
The red circle around it tells you that this is a PLAYER unit.
6. Now press PREVIEW in the black bar above the map.
The mission loads (slowly) and you play as the unit you just placed.
2. How to change Weather, Time and Date
1. Go to the Weather-Tool (looks like a clouded sun)
You can set behavior of INDEPENDENT units (currently not implemented).
There's actually nothing more to explain here.
Since ARMA 3 the month has an effect on the sunset:
It'll be dark at Dec 11, 4 am but it'll bu sunny on Jun 11, 4 am.
3. How to place an OPFOR unit
1. Double Left-click on the map.
2. Set "Side" to OPFOR.
That's it.
4. How to set a simple waypoint
1. Place a PLAYER unit.
2. Place an OPFOR unit.
3. Left-Click the OPFOR unit to make sure it is activ.
4. Go to the Waypoint-Tool. (looks like footsteps)
5. Double Left-Click where you want the OPFOR unit to go.
6. Press ok and go to PREVIEW.
5. How to set a simple trigger
1. Place a unit
2. Go to the Trigger-Tool
3. Double Left-Click where you want the trigger to be
A window pops up
4. Set Activation to BLUFOR and DETECTED BY BLUFOR
This makes sure that only BLUFOR units will activate the trigger
5. Go to the 'Effects'-Tab at the bottom
6. Set Type to "TEXT", Effect to "PLAIN"
7. Write "Works" in the Text-Line and press ok
8. Press PREVIEW
When you run through the trigger it'll display "Works" on the screen.
Βίντεο YouTube™: ARMA 3 Editor - 5. A simple trigger
Προβολές: 2,875
How to set a trigger that shows a text message. Edit: Something seems wrong with the present/not present condition in the arma 3 editor O_o
6. How to find out weapon classnames on your own
1. Place a unit.
2. Double Left-Click on the unit.
The window you just clicked away will pop up again
3. Put this "this addEventhandler ["fired",{hint format["%1",_this]}]" into the INITIALIZATION of the Unit
4. Press ok and Preview
5. If you fire a weapon ARMA will show you a message like:
"arifle_MX_Hamr_point_grip_F" is the weapon fired and "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag" is the ammo used.
7. How to equip a unit with (another) weapon
1. Place a Civilian Unit (Side = Civilian)
2. Put this into the INIT:
removeAllWeapons this;
this addWeapon "arifle_MX_Hamr_point_grip_F";
this addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
3. Press ok and Preview.
You placed an armed civilian
Explanation to the commands:
removeAllWeapons this; // removes all weapons of this unit
this addWeapon "CLASSNAME"; // adds weapon to this unit
this addMagazine "CLASSNAME"; // adds 1 mag to this unit
8. How to assign a group leader
1. Place a player unit
2. Place 3 more BLUFOR units
3. Choose the Group-Tool
4. Click on the units and drag the lines to the unit you want to be the leader
9. How to create a predefined group
1. Choose the Group-Tool
2. Double Left-Click on the map
3. Press ok
10. How to create a friendly OPFOR unit
1. Place a unit.
2. Place a OPFOR unit
3. Place another BLUFOR unit
4. Group the OPFOR unit to the BLUFOR unit (BLUFOR = Leader)
5. Click on the BLUFOR unit
6. Set PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE to zero (Left side)
The second unit will not be created in the preview.
11. How to place a ammobox
1. Place a unit
This enables the "empty"-side
2. Place a second unit with side = EMPTY
3. Choose Class = AMMO
4. All ammoboxes can be found under UNIT
5. Preview : )
12. How to build a simple respawn
1. Place a Unit
2. Choose the Marker-Tool (looks like a circled X)
3. Place a marker where you want the respawn to be.
4. Name the marker "respawn_west".
5. Save the mission [as user mission].
6. TAB out and go to: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\YOUR ARMA PROFILE\missions\
7. Open the folder of your mission (MISSIONNAME.MAP)
8. Create a new .txt-document
9. Copy&Paste the following into the txt-file:
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnDialog = false;
10. Save the txt-files as description.ext
Make sure you don't save it as "description.ext.txt"
11. TAB back to ARMA 3
12. Save the mission [as multiplayer]
Respawn doesn't work in PREVIEW
13. Close the Editor
14. Start a Multiplayer Game with your mission.
13. How to build a very simple COOP Mission in 2 minutes
View the video and try to rebuilt it. I only used things you've learned so far : )
14. How to add and remove clothes
1. Place a unit
2. Go to the INIT of the unit
3. Type this to remove all weapons:
removeallweapons this;
4. Type this to remove glasses:
removeGoggles this;
5. Type this to remove helmet:
removeHeadgear this;
6. Type this to remove vest:
removeVest this;
7. Type this to remove uniform:
removeUniform this;
8. Type this to remove binoculars and NVGs:
removeAllAssignedItems this;
9. Type this to add goggles:
this addgoggles "CLASSNAME";
10. Type this to add helmet:
this addheadgear "CLASSNAME";
11. Type this to add uniform:
this adduniform "CLASSNAME";
12. Type this to add vest:
this addvest "CLASSNAME";
13. Type this to add backpack:
this addbackpack "CLASSNAME";
I've also made a simple showcase of all items with classnames. Enjoy.
15. How to attach items to a weapon (Suppressor, Optics, Flashlight)
1. Place a Unit
2. Type this into the units INIT to remove all weapons
removeallweapons this;
3. Type this to add a weapon
this addweapon "CLASSNAME";
4. Type this to add a item to the primary weapon (suppressor, optics, flashlight)
this addPrimaryWeaponItem "CLASSNAME";
5. Type this to add a item to the handgun
this addHandgunItem "CLASSNAME";
6. Type this to add ammo/granates/mines/explosives
this addmagazine "CLASSNAME";
A list of CLASSNAMES can be found here[]
16. How to create a briefing/tasks
1. Place a unit
2. Create a "empty" marker
3. Call it task_1
4. Save [as user mission]
5. TAB out and go to the mission folder
6. Create a file called "briefing.sqf"
7. Copy&Paste this into the briefing.sqf
waitUntil { !isNil {player} };
waitUntil { player == player };
switch (side player) do
case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]];
//Task1 - COMMENT
task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_1");
task_1 setTaskState "Assigned";
player setCurrentTask task_1;
//Task2 - COMMENT
task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_2");
case EAST: // OPFOR briefing goes here
case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here
8. Save it
9. Create another file called "init.sqf"
10. Open init.sqf and type this:
execVM "briefing.sqf";
11. Save it
12. TAB back to ARMA 3
13. Create a second marker
14. Call it "task_2"
15. Create a OPFOR unit next to your unit and name it "Ackbar"
16. Create a trigger with CONDITION:
!Alive Ackbar
17. Put this into the On.Act:
"1" objStatus "DONE"; // task_1 done
task_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // you succeeded
player setCurrentTask task_2; // assign task_2
task_1 = true; // no idea what this does
publicVariable "task_1"; // still no idea
hint "The Admiral was assassinated. OPFOR ships move to your direction. Act quickly!"; // gives a little message
18. Place a second trigger over the marker task_2
TYPE: "End#1"
On Act.: "2" objStatus "DONE";
task_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
task_2 = true;
publicVariable "task_2";
On Deact: endMission "END1"
19. Save and go to PREVIEW
17. How to respawn vehicles using a script
1. Place a Unit
2. Place a vehicle
3. Save the mission as VehicleRespawn [as user mission]
4. TAB out and go HERE[]
5. Download the script and place the vehicle.sqf it in your mission folder
6. TAB back to ARMA and put this into the INIT of the vehicle
veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf"
7. Save and press preview
Using the "Simple Vehicle Respawn"-Script by Tophe. This script can be costumized. Look at the SVR_readme.rtf for further information.
18. How to create a simple (semi-random) patrole
1. Place a Unit
2. Place a group using the Group-Tool
3. Left-Click the Leader of the group
4. Set a Waypoint
Type: Move
Placement Radius: 50
Combat Mode: Hold Fire
Speed: Limited
Behaivor: Safe
5. Set 3 more Waypoints
Placement Radius: 50
6. Add a 5th waypoint and place it near the first
Type: Cycle
19. How to spawn a ammobox with everything that's working in alpha
1. Place a unit
2. Place the ammobox
Class: Ammo
3. Put this into the INIT of the ammobox
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MX_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MX_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXC_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG20_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG21_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG21_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["srifle_EBR_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["LMG_Mk200_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["hgun_P07_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_C_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["hgun_rook40_F", 20];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["100Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30RND_556x45_Stanag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["200RND_65x39_Cased_box_Tracer", 100];
this addmagazinecargo ["RPG32_F", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["ATMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellRed", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 20];
this additemcargo ["Zasleh2",20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_H", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_L", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_B", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_H_MG", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Arco", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Hamr", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Aco", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_ACO_grn",20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Holosight", 20];
this additemcargo ["acc_flashlight", 20];
this additemcargo ["acc_pointer_IR", 20];
this additemcargo ["FirstAidKit", 20];
this additemcargo ["Toolkit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_BasicBody", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_Wetsuit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_PilotCoveralls", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_Wetsuit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_blue", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_1", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_2", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_3", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_Rangemaster", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_Rangemaster_belt", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_cbr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier1_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier1_cbr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier2_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_Chestrig_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_ChestrigB_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_oli", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_HarnessO_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_HarnessOGL_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_RebreatherB", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_RebreatherIR", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_mcamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB_paint", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB_light", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_red", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_brn_SERO", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_blu", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_headphones", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_B", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_O", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetO_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_MilCap_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_MilCap_mcamo", 20];
20. How force units to "use" chemlights
1. Place a unit
2. Place a second unit
3. Name th second unit "Unit1" and put this into its INIT:
Chem = "Chemlight_yellow" createVehicle [getPos Unit1 select 0, getPos Unit1 select 1,1]; Chem attachTo [Unit1,[0,0,1]];
21. How to make an IED
1. Place a unit
2. Place a marker
3. Name it "bomb1"
4. Create "Pile of Garbage"
Side: Empty
Class: Objects (Garbage)
5. Place the garbage above bomb1
6. Create a trigger above bomb1
Size 10/10
ON ACT.: bomb = "M_RPG32_AA_F" createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 0),( getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 1), 0];
7. Press preview
22. How to make a radio-controlled IED/trigger
1. Place a unit
2. Place a marker
3. Name it "bomb1"
4. Create "Pile of Garbage"
Side: Empty
Class: Objects (Garbage)
5. Place the garbage above bomb1
6. Create a trigger somewhere on the map
Size 0/0
Activation: Radio Alpha
ON ACT.: bomb = "M_RPG32_AA_F" createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 0),( getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 1), 0];
7. Press preview
8. Use the Command-Menu to activate the bomb
23. How to make an Autosave
1. Place a unit
2. Place a trigger
ON ACT.: savegame;
3. Preview : )
104 σχόλια
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 11 >
Malkiv 13 Ιαν @ 5:49μμ
this addgoggles "CLASSNAME"; - If you change 'classnames' to one of the sunglasses or cosmetic goggles (not the nvs tho, they're seperate slot) - those goggle/sunglasses will be added to the unit upon creation in the game.
this addheadgear "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Headgear.
this adduniform "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Uniforms
this addvest "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Vests
this addbackpack "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Backpacks
Taken from:
military_mat 19 Δεκ, 2014 @ 1:03πμ
@zero, I have used these classnames though and the commands still do not work. I can add anything into a vehicle or box but not directly add a unit. Any else?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 19 Δεκ, 2014 @ 12:56πμ
@military_mat, they probably changed the classnames somewhere along the line. You can find them in the BiKi []
military_mat 18 Δεκ, 2014 @ 10:29μμ
Hey Zero, when I try to dress nonplayer enemy units, the commands do not work to add uniforms, vests, backpacks, headgear etc. but adding weapons works. Any help?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 18 Νοε, 2014 @ 1:22μμ
VanguardSix 18 Νοε, 2014 @ 11:57πμ
Any idea how to name units so that they show up with custom names in the multiplayer lobby instead of what type of soldier they are? (1: Squad Leader 2:Engineer 3:Rifleman" etc)
tazmania720 17 Νοε, 2014 @ 5:19πμ
Thanks for this!
Zero [Δημιουργός] 28 Οκτ, 2014 @ 12:36μμ
Open Team Switch window -> Select Unit -> Press Switch
It's in the In-Game Field Manual.
Facepalmism 28 Οκτ, 2014 @ 7:09πμ
I know that, but is it possible to switch units in mulitplayer like you can in editor? If so, how does one do that?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ, 2014 @ 3:05μμ
Go back to the lobby and select a slot on the other fractrion
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 11 >
Let's start with something that is very easy.
1. Start ARMA 3 and open the Editor.
2. Choose the map Stratis.
3. Move to any location with the mouse + hold right mouse button.
4. Double left-click on the map.
A window pops up.
5. Go to the down-right corner and press 'ok'.
The window disapprears.
The blue dot you see is a unit.
The arrow indicates it's direction.
The red circle around it tells you that this is a PLAYER unit.
6. Now press PREVIEW in the black bar above the map.
The mission loads (slowly) and you play as the unit you just placed.
2. How to change Weather, Time and Date
1. Go to the Weather-Tool (looks like a clouded sun)
You can set behavior of INDEPENDENT units (currently not implemented).
There's actually nothing more to explain here.
Since ARMA 3 the month has an effect on the sunset:
It'll be dark at Dec 11, 4 am but it'll bu sunny on Jun 11, 4 am.
3. How to place an OPFOR unit
1. Double Left-click on the map.
2. Set "Side" to OPFOR.
That's it.
4. How to set a simple waypoint
1. Place a PLAYER unit.
2. Place an OPFOR unit.
3. Left-Click the OPFOR unit to make sure it is activ.
4. Go to the Waypoint-Tool. (looks like footsteps)
5. Double Left-Click where you want the OPFOR unit to go.
6. Press ok and go to PREVIEW.
5. How to set a simple trigger
1. Place a unit
2. Go to the Trigger-Tool
3. Double Left-Click where you want the trigger to be
A window pops up
4. Set Activation to BLUFOR and DETECTED BY BLUFOR
This makes sure that only BLUFOR units will activate the trigger
5. Go to the 'Effects'-Tab at the bottom
6. Set Type to "TEXT", Effect to "PLAIN"
7. Write "Works" in the Text-Line and press ok
8. Press PREVIEW
When you run through the trigger it'll display "Works" on the screen.
Βίντεο YouTube™: ARMA 3 Editor - 5. A simple trigger
Προβολές: 2,875
How to set a trigger that shows a text message. Edit: Something seems wrong with the present/not present condition in the arma 3 editor O_o
6. How to find out weapon classnames on your own
1. Place a unit.
2. Double Left-Click on the unit.
The window you just clicked away will pop up again
3. Put this "this addEventhandler ["fired",{hint format["%1",_this]}]" into the INITIALIZATION of the Unit
4. Press ok and Preview
5. If you fire a weapon ARMA will show you a message like:
"arifle_MX_Hamr_point_grip_F" is the weapon fired and "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag" is the ammo used.
7. How to equip a unit with (another) weapon
1. Place a Civilian Unit (Side = Civilian)
2. Put this into the INIT:
removeAllWeapons this;
this addWeapon "arifle_MX_Hamr_point_grip_F";
this addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";
3. Press ok and Preview.
You placed an armed civilian
Explanation to the commands:
removeAllWeapons this; // removes all weapons of this unit
this addWeapon "CLASSNAME"; // adds weapon to this unit
this addMagazine "CLASSNAME"; // adds 1 mag to this unit
8. How to assign a group leader
1. Place a player unit
2. Place 3 more BLUFOR units
3. Choose the Group-Tool
4. Click on the units and drag the lines to the unit you want to be the leader
9. How to create a predefined group
1. Choose the Group-Tool
2. Double Left-Click on the map
3. Press ok
10. How to create a friendly OPFOR unit
1. Place a unit.
2. Place a OPFOR unit
3. Place another BLUFOR unit
4. Group the OPFOR unit to the BLUFOR unit (BLUFOR = Leader)
5. Click on the BLUFOR unit
6. Set PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE to zero (Left side)
The second unit will not be created in the preview.
11. How to place a ammobox
1. Place a unit
This enables the "empty"-side
2. Place a second unit with side = EMPTY
3. Choose Class = AMMO
4. All ammoboxes can be found under UNIT
5. Preview : )
12. How to build a simple respawn
1. Place a Unit
2. Choose the Marker-Tool (looks like a circled X)
3. Place a marker where you want the respawn to be.
4. Name the marker "respawn_west".
5. Save the mission [as user mission].
6. TAB out and go to: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\YOUR ARMA PROFILE\missions\
7. Open the folder of your mission (MISSIONNAME.MAP)
8. Create a new .txt-document
9. Copy&Paste the following into the txt-file:
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnDialog = false;
10. Save the txt-files as description.ext
Make sure you don't save it as "description.ext.txt"
11. TAB back to ARMA 3
12. Save the mission [as multiplayer]
Respawn doesn't work in PREVIEW
13. Close the Editor
14. Start a Multiplayer Game with your mission.
13. How to build a very simple COOP Mission in 2 minutes
View the video and try to rebuilt it. I only used things you've learned so far : )
14. How to add and remove clothes
1. Place a unit
2. Go to the INIT of the unit
3. Type this to remove all weapons:
removeallweapons this;
4. Type this to remove glasses:
removeGoggles this;
5. Type this to remove helmet:
removeHeadgear this;
6. Type this to remove vest:
removeVest this;
7. Type this to remove uniform:
removeUniform this;
8. Type this to remove binoculars and NVGs:
removeAllAssignedItems this;
9. Type this to add goggles:
this addgoggles "CLASSNAME";
10. Type this to add helmet:
this addheadgear "CLASSNAME";
11. Type this to add uniform:
this adduniform "CLASSNAME";
12. Type this to add vest:
this addvest "CLASSNAME";
13. Type this to add backpack:
this addbackpack "CLASSNAME";
I've also made a simple showcase of all items with classnames. Enjoy.
15. How to attach items to a weapon (Suppressor, Optics, Flashlight)
1. Place a Unit
2. Type this into the units INIT to remove all weapons
removeallweapons this;
3. Type this to add a weapon
this addweapon "CLASSNAME";
4. Type this to add a item to the primary weapon (suppressor, optics, flashlight)
this addPrimaryWeaponItem "CLASSNAME";
5. Type this to add a item to the handgun
this addHandgunItem "CLASSNAME";
6. Type this to add ammo/granates/mines/explosives
this addmagazine "CLASSNAME";
A list of CLASSNAMES can be found here[]
16. How to create a briefing/tasks
1. Place a unit
2. Create a "empty" marker
3. Call it task_1
4. Save [as user mission]
5. TAB out and go to the mission folder
6. Create a file called "briefing.sqf"
7. Copy&Paste this into the briefing.sqf
waitUntil { !isNil {player} };
waitUntil { player == player };
switch (side player) do
case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]];
//Task1 - COMMENT
task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_1");
task_1 setTaskState "Assigned";
player setCurrentTask task_1;
//Task2 - COMMENT
task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_2");
case EAST: // OPFOR briefing goes here
case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here
8. Save it
9. Create another file called "init.sqf"
10. Open init.sqf and type this:
execVM "briefing.sqf";
11. Save it
12. TAB back to ARMA 3
13. Create a second marker
14. Call it "task_2"
15. Create a OPFOR unit next to your unit and name it "Ackbar"
16. Create a trigger with CONDITION:
!Alive Ackbar
17. Put this into the On.Act:
"1" objStatus "DONE"; // task_1 done
task_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // you succeeded
player setCurrentTask task_2; // assign task_2
task_1 = true; // no idea what this does
publicVariable "task_1"; // still no idea
hint "The Admiral was assassinated. OPFOR ships move to your direction. Act quickly!"; // gives a little message
18. Place a second trigger over the marker task_2
TYPE: "End#1"
On Act.: "2" objStatus "DONE";
task_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
task_2 = true;
publicVariable "task_2";
On Deact: endMission "END1"
19. Save and go to PREVIEW
17. How to respawn vehicles using a script
1. Place a Unit
2. Place a vehicle
3. Save the mission as VehicleRespawn [as user mission]
4. TAB out and go HERE[]
5. Download the script and place the vehicle.sqf it in your mission folder
6. TAB back to ARMA and put this into the INIT of the vehicle
veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf"
7. Save and press preview
Using the "Simple Vehicle Respawn"-Script by Tophe. This script can be costumized. Look at the SVR_readme.rtf for further information.
18. How to create a simple (semi-random) patrole
1. Place a Unit
2. Place a group using the Group-Tool
3. Left-Click the Leader of the group
4. Set a Waypoint
Type: Move
Placement Radius: 50
Combat Mode: Hold Fire
Speed: Limited
Behaivor: Safe
5. Set 3 more Waypoints
Placement Radius: 50
6. Add a 5th waypoint and place it near the first
Type: Cycle
19. How to spawn a ammobox with everything that's working in alpha
1. Place a unit
2. Place the ammobox
Class: Ammo
3. Put this into the INIT of the ammobox
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MX_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MX_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXC_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG20_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG21_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_TRG21_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["srifle_EBR_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["LMG_Mk200_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["hgun_P07_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_C_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_GL_F", 20];
this addweaponcargo ["hgun_rook40_F", 20];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["100Rnd_65x39_Caseless_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["20Rnd_762x45_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_Mag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["30RND_556x45_Stanag", 100];
this addMagazinecargo ["200RND_65x39_Cased_box_Tracer", 100];
this addmagazinecargo ["RPG32_F", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["ATMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellRed", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShell", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 20];
this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 20];
this additemcargo ["Zasleh2",20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_H", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_L", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_B", 20];
this additemcargo ["muzzle_snds_H_MG", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Arco", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Hamr", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Aco", 20];
this additemcargo ["optic_ACO_grn",20];
this additemcargo ["optic_Holosight", 20];
this additemcargo ["acc_flashlight", 20];
this additemcargo ["acc_pointer_IR", 20];
this additemcargo ["FirstAidKit", 20];
this additemcargo ["Toolkit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_BasicBody", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_B_Wetsuit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_PilotCoveralls", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_OI_Wetsuit", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_blue", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_1", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_2", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_C_Commoner1_3", 20];
this additemcargo ["U_Rangemaster", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_Rangemaster_belt", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_BandollierB_cbr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier1_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier1_cbr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrier2_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_Chestrig_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_ChestrigB_rgr", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_TacVest_oli", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_HarnessO_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_HarnessOGL_brn", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_RebreatherB", 20];
this additemcargo ["V_RebreatherIR", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_khk", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_mcamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Booniehat_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB_paint", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetB_light", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_red", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_brn_SERO", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_blu", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_Cap_headphones", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_B", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_PilotHelmetHeli_O", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_HelmetO_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_MilCap_ocamo", 20];
this additemcargo ["H_MilCap_mcamo", 20];
20. How force units to "use" chemlights
1. Place a unit
2. Place a second unit
3. Name th second unit "Unit1" and put this into its INIT:
Chem = "Chemlight_yellow" createVehicle [getPos Unit1 select 0, getPos Unit1 select 1,1]; Chem attachTo [Unit1,[0,0,1]];
21. How to make an IED
1. Place a unit
2. Place a marker
3. Name it "bomb1"
4. Create "Pile of Garbage"
Side: Empty
Class: Objects (Garbage)
5. Place the garbage above bomb1
6. Create a trigger above bomb1
Size 10/10
ON ACT.: bomb = "M_RPG32_AA_F" createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 0),( getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 1), 0];
7. Press preview
22. How to make a radio-controlled IED/trigger
1. Place a unit
2. Place a marker
3. Name it "bomb1"
4. Create "Pile of Garbage"
Side: Empty
Class: Objects (Garbage)
5. Place the garbage above bomb1
6. Create a trigger somewhere on the map
Size 0/0
Activation: Radio Alpha
ON ACT.: bomb = "M_RPG32_AA_F" createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 0),( getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 1), 0];
7. Press preview
8. Use the Command-Menu to activate the bomb
23. How to make an Autosave
1. Place a unit
2. Place a trigger
ON ACT.: savegame;
3. Preview : )
104 σχόλια
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Malkiv 13 Ιαν @ 5:49μμ
this addgoggles "CLASSNAME"; - If you change 'classnames' to one of the sunglasses or cosmetic goggles (not the nvs tho, they're seperate slot) - those goggle/sunglasses will be added to the unit upon creation in the game.
this addheadgear "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Headgear.
this adduniform "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Uniforms
this addvest "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Vests
this addbackpack "CLASSNAME"; - Adds Backpacks
Taken from:
military_mat 19 Δεκ, 2014 @ 1:03πμ
@zero, I have used these classnames though and the commands still do not work. I can add anything into a vehicle or box but not directly add a unit. Any else?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 19 Δεκ, 2014 @ 12:56πμ
@military_mat, they probably changed the classnames somewhere along the line. You can find them in the BiKi []
military_mat 18 Δεκ, 2014 @ 10:29μμ
Hey Zero, when I try to dress nonplayer enemy units, the commands do not work to add uniforms, vests, backpacks, headgear etc. but adding weapons works. Any help?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 18 Νοε, 2014 @ 1:22μμ
VanguardSix 18 Νοε, 2014 @ 11:57πμ
Any idea how to name units so that they show up with custom names in the multiplayer lobby instead of what type of soldier they are? (1: Squad Leader 2:Engineer 3:Rifleman" etc)
tazmania720 17 Νοε, 2014 @ 5:19πμ
Thanks for this!
Zero [Δημιουργός] 28 Οκτ, 2014 @ 12:36μμ
Open Team Switch window -> Select Unit -> Press Switch
It's in the In-Game Field Manual.
Facepalmism 28 Οκτ, 2014 @ 7:09πμ
I know that, but is it possible to switch units in mulitplayer like you can in editor? If so, how does one do that?
Zero [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ, 2014 @ 3:05μμ
Go back to the lobby and select a slot on the other fractrion
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